
الفصل الثاني: استكمال عمل هارفي

Harvey, W., DeMotu Cordis (1624).
Aubrey, J., Brief Lives (1681).
Harvey, W, op. cit.

الفصل الثالث: التجارب الإنجليزية في حقن الدم

Quoted from Gibson, W. C., ‘The biomedical pursuits of Christopher Wren’, Medical History (1970) 14: 334.
Boyle, R., Some Considerations Touching the Usefulness of Experimental Naturall Philosophy (Oxford)1663, Part II, p. 64.
Hoff, E. C. and Hoff, P. M., ‘The life and times of Richard Lower, physiologist and physician’, Bulletin of the Institute of the History of Medicine (1936) 7: 517–35.
Translated from Lower, R., Tractatus de Corde (1671).

الفصل الرابع: المجتمع العلمي

(With modifications) from Brown, Harcourt, Scientific Organisations in Seventeenth Century France (Baltimore: The Williams and Wilkins Company), 1934, ch IV, pp. 64-65.
Ibid., p. 66.
Ibid., p. 67.
Ibid., p. 125.
Weld, Charles Richard, History of the Royal Society (London: John W. Parker), 1848, p. 37.
Ibid., p. 42.
Birch, History of the Royal Society, 1: 107.
Fellows signature book of the Royal Society.

الفصل الخامس: التجارب الإنجليزية في نقل الدم

Intriguingly, Pepys says that the meeting was at Gresham College, though all other historians record that meetings of the Royal Society over this period occurred at Arundel House. Most probably the meeting was at Arundel House, but Pepys was using ‘Gresham College’ as his shorthand for the Royal Society.
Shadwell, Thomas, The Virtuoso, ed Marjorie Hope Nicholson and David Stuart Rodes (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press), 1966, II.ii 108–33.

الفصل السادس: طريق دوني إلى القمة

Philosophical Transactions (1667) 27: 489–504.

الفصل السابع: السبق والسجن

Philosophical Transactions (1667) 28: 517–24.
State papers (Domestic), Entry Book 23, 485.
Correspondence of Oldenburg, 3 October 1666.
Correspondence of Oldenburg, 29 January 1667.
State Papers (Domestic), Charles II, 1667, 208/46.
State Papers (Domestic), Charles II, 1667, 209/123.
State Papers (Domestic), Charles II, 1667, 210/59.
State Papers (Domestic), Charles II, 1667, 210/59.
Boyle’s Works, ed. T. Birch (London), 1772, 6: 237-38.
Quoted in Riesman, D., ‘Bourdelot, a physician of Queen Christina of Sweden’, Annals of Medical History (1937) 9: 191.

الفصل الثامن: اللحاق

Ray, J., Correspondence, 1848, p. 23.
Gunther, R. T., Early Science in Oxford (1932), Vol. 9.
Libavius, A., Appendix Necessaria Syntagmatis Arcanorum Chymicorum Contra Heningum Sheunemanum, (Frankfurt), 1615, IV, 8.
Translated by Mrs A. H. Lloyd and quoted in Keynes, G., Blood Transfusion (Bristol: JohnWright & Sons), 1949.
A copy of the book exists in the Bibliothek der Leopoldina, Halle, Germany.

الفصل العاشر: الجدل الكبير

Adapted from quotes in Hoff, H. and Guillemin, R., The first experiments on transfusion in France, Journal of the History of Medicine (1963) 18: 103–24.
Adapted from Hoff and Guillemin, op cit.
Adapted from Lower, R., op cit.
Adapted from the Hoff and Guillemin, op. cit.
Adapted from Hoff and Guillemin, op. cit.
Adapted from Lower, R., op. cit.
Adapted from Philosophical Transactions (1667), pp. 559-60.
Adapted from Hoff and Guillemin, op. cit.

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