
المزيد من التفاصيل الخاصة بالأعمال المشار إليها بالإيجاز يمكن أن يجدها القارئ في المراجع والصفحات المذكورة فيما يلي:

الفصل الأول: السؤال

Godelier, The Mental and the Material, 1.
Harrison, “Letters”.
Bullock, “Socializing the Theory of Intellectual Development”, 187.

الفصل الثاني: القوس الأعظم

Benedict, Patterns of Culture, 15.
Ibid., 16.
Ibid., 15.
Ibid., 16.
Mead, quoted in Fox, Lions of the Punjab, 192.
Benedict, Patterns of Culture, 17.
Radcliffe-Brown, quoted in Kuper, Anthropology and Anthropologists, 53.
Radcliffe-Brown, “Preface”, p. xii.
Benedict, Patterns of Culture, 16.
Radcliffe-Brown, “Preface”, p. xi.
Benedict, Patterns of Culture, 12.
Turnbull, The Mbuti Pygmies, 5.
Wolf, Europe and the People without History, pp. ix-x.
Ibid., 4.
Benedict, Patterns of Culture, 12.
Wolf, Europe and the People without History, 4.
Ibid., 76.
Ibid., 6.
Ibid., 5.
Ibid., 3.
Ibid., 387.
Lesser, quoted in Wolf, Europe and the People without History, 19.
Wolf, Europe and the People without History, 386.
Carrithers, “Jainism and Buddhism as Enduring Historical Streams”, 161.
Peel, “History, Culture, and the Comparative Method: A West African Puzzle”, 108-9.
Godelier, The Mental and the Material, 1.
Hannerz, quoted in Clifford, The Predicament of Culture, 17.

الفصل الثالث: بداية التاريخ

Obeyesekere, The Work of Culture, 92.
Geertz, The Interpretation of Cultures, 73.
Mauss, Sociology and Psychology, 9.
White, quoted in Sahlins, Culture and Practical Reason, 105.
Wilson, Sociobiology: The New Synthesis, 16–18.
Sober, The Nature of Selection.
Humphrey, “The Social Function of Intellect”, 309.
Ibid., 310.
Wynn, “Tools and the Evolution of Human Intelligence”.
Dennett, The Intentional Stance.
Levinson, “Interactional Biases in Humman Thinking”.
Byrne and Whiten (eds.), Machiavellian Intelligence, 9.
Axelrod, The Evolution of Cooperation.
Godelier, The Mental and the Material, 1.
Landau, Narratives of Human Evolution.
Tobias, quoted in Landau, Narratives of Human Evolution, 164-5.
Wilberforce, quoted in Rachels, Created from Animals.
Tobias, quoted in Landau, Narratives of Human Evolution, 166.
Darwin, quoted in Rachels, Created from Animals, 1.
Rachels, Created from Animals.

الفصل الرابع: تحليل الروح الاجتماعية

Trevarthen and Logotheti, “Child in Society, and Society in Children”, 167.
Bruner, Child’s Talk, 26.
Vygotsky, quoted in Butterworth and Grover, “The Origins of Referential Communication in Human Infancy”, 9.
Trevarthen and Logotheti, “Child in Society, and Society in Children”, 166-7.
Dennett, The Intentional Stance.
Whiten (ed.) Natural Theories of Mind.
Byrne and Whiten (eds.), Machinvellian Intelligence.
Grice, “Utterers Meaning and Intention”; Bennett, Linguistic Behavior.
Strecker, The Social Practice of Symbolization, 73-4.
Brown and Levinson, Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage.
Premack, “Pedagogy and Aesthetics as Sources of Culture”. 18.
Maynard Smith, “Game Theory and the Evolution of Cooperation”, 452.
Rosaldo, Knowledge and Passion, 27.
Schieffelin, The Sorrow of the Lonely, 2.
Scribner, “Thinking in Action: Some Characteristics of Practical Thought”, 28.
Rosaldo, “Toward an Anthropology of Self and Feeling”, 140.
Bakhtin, quoted in Holquist, Dialogism, 62-3.
Hofstadter, Metamagical Themas, 238.
See Smith and Wilson, Modern Linguistics: The Results of Chomsky’s Revolution.
Bruner, Child’s Talk, 18-19.
Tomasello, “The Social Bases of Language Acquisition, 83.
Austin, How to Do Things with Words; Searle, Speech Acts.

الفصل الخامس: قراءة الأفكار وقراءة الحياة

Bruner, Actual Minds, Possible Words, 14.
Astington, “Narrative and the Child’s Theory of Mind”.
Trevarthen and Logotheti, “Child in Society, and Society in Children”, 173.
Schutz, Reflections on the Problem of Relevance.
Bruner, Actual Minds Possible Worlds, 13.
Latimore and Grene (eds.), Sophocles 1.

الفصل السادس: الثور والقديس

Dumont, Homo Hierarchicus.
Gergen and Gergen, “The Social Construction of Narrative Accounts”.
Shaha, Sri 108 Siddhasagar Muni Maharaj, 1.
Haviland, quoted in Keesing, “Models, “Folk” or “Cultural”: Paradigms Regained?”, 382.
Appadurai, “Gastro-politics in Hindu South Asia”.
Hutchins, Culture and Inference: A Trobiand Case Study.
Fernandez, Persuasions and Performances.

الفصل السابع: التحول

Gellner, Spectacles and Predicaments, 41.
Wolf, Europe and the People without History, 76.
An expanded version of this argument is found in my book, The Buddha.
Rhys-Davids, Dialogues of the Buddha, 105-6.
Ibid., 107.
Norman, Pali Literature.
Digha Nikaya III. 81.
Tannen, Talking Voices.
Digha Nikaya III. 83-4.
Ibid., 84.
Rhys-Davids, Dialogues of the Buddha III. 82.
Gombrich, The Buddha’s Allusions to Vedic Literature’.
Digha Nikaya III. 86.
Ibid., 92-3.
Collins, “Notes on the Word mahasammata and the Idea of a Social Contract in Buddhism”.
Rhys-Davids and Carpenter (eds.), Digha Nikaya II. 73–6.
Dighi Nikaya III. 94.
Lingat, quoted in Tambiah, “King Mahasammata”, 116
Tambiah, “King Mahasammata”, 119.

الفصل الثامن: بُعبُع العلم

Stocking (ed.) Observers Observed, 7.
Geertz, Works and Lives, 4.
Ibid., 140.
Evans-Pritchard, Nure Religion, 222.
Sperber, On Anthropological Knowledge, 14-15.
See Polanyi, Personal Knowledge; Ziman, Reliable Ziman, Reliable Knowledge; and Hacking, Representing and intervening.
Hacking, Representing and Intervening, 131.
Ibid., 144.
Ziman, Reliable Knowledge, 125-6.
Roth, Ethnography without Tears’, 561.
Ziman, Reliable Knowledge, 43.
Ibid., 43-4.
Ibid., 44.
Ibid., 44-5.
Ibid., 45.
Fifth, “Degrees of Intelligibility”, 39.
Rosaldo, Knowledge and Passion, 27.
Obeyesekere, The Work of Culture.
Lewis, Day of Shining Red, 50.
Lienhardt, Divinity and Experience, 233.
Fifth, “Degrees of Intelligibility”, 40.

الفصل التاسع: صندوق حلوى مهمل في غير ترتيب

Borofsky, Making History, 154.
Schieffelin, The Sorrow of the Lonely, 47.
Ibid., 47-8.
Ibid., 48.
Lienhardt, Divinity and Experience, 29.
Ibid., 32.
Ibid., 54.
Ibid., 30.
du Boulay, Portrait of a Greek Mountain Village, 3.
Ibid., 48-9.
Ibid., 49-50.

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