قراءات إضافية
والآن، إذا أردت التعمق أكثر في عالم علم الآثار الرائع، فإني أضع بين يدَيك مجموعة من الكتب التي تُلبي احتياجاتك وتوجهك إلى مكتبة ضخمة من القراءات الإضافية (لا سيما المراجع المدرَجة في إصدارات رينفرو وبان، ٢٠١٢).
Aitken, M. J. (1990), Science-Based Dating in Archaeology. Longman: London and New York.
Bahn, P. G. (ed.) (1995), The Story of Archaeology: 100 Great Discoveries. Barnes & Noble: New York/Weidenfeld & Nicolson: London. (Heavily illustrated volume presenting archaeology’s ‘greatest hits’ and something of its amazing diversity and versatility.)
______, (ed.) (1996), The Cambridge Illustrated History of Archaeology. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. (The history and development of the subject, all over the world.)
______, (ed.) (2000), The Penguin Guide to Archaeology. Penguin: London.
______, (ed.) (2000), The Atlas of World Archaeology. Cassell: London.
______, (2007), The Bluffer’s Guide to Archaeology (4th edn.) Oval Books: London. (A humorous introduction to the subject.)
Barker, P. (1993), Techniques of Archaeological Excavation (3rd edn.) Batsford: London/Humanities Press: New York. (The best introduction to British excavation methods.)
Brothwell, D. R. and Pollard, A. M. (eds.) (2005), Handbook of Archaeological Sciences. Wiley: Chichester & New York.
Carver, M. (2009), Archaeological Investigation. Routledge: London.
Coles, J. M. (1979), Experimental Archaeology. Academic Press: London and New York.
Courbin, P. (1988), What Is Archaeology? An Essay on the Nature of Archaeological Research. University of Chicago Press: Chicago. (A detailed critique of the ‘New Archeology’.)
Fagan, B. (1995), Time Detectives: How Archaeologists Use Technology to Recapture the Past. Simon & Schuster: New York. (Case studies showing the variety and scope of modern archaeology.)
______, (ed.) (1996), The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. Oxford University Press: New York.
Johnson, M. (2010), Archaeological Theory: An Introduction (2nd edn.) Blackwell: Oxford. (A useful student textbook of theory.)
McIntosh, J. (1999), The Archaeologist’s Handbook (2nd edn.) Thames and Hudson: London.
Purdy, B. A. (1996), How to Do Archaeology the Right Way. University Press of Florida: Gainesville. (An American approach to excavation.)
Renfrew, C. and Bahn, P. G. (eds.) (2004), Archaeology: The Key Concepts. Routledge: London & New York.
______, (2012), Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice (6th edn.) Thames and Hudson: London and New York. (A brick-like textbook covering all the major aspects of the subject, including everything in this book, in great but readable detail.)
Sabloff, J. A. (2008), Archaeology Matters: Action Archaeology in the Modern World. Left Coast Press: Walnut Creek.
Vitelli, K. D. and Colwell-Chanthaphonh, C. (2006), Archaeological Ethics (2nd edn.) Altamira Press: Walnut Creek.