تغيُّر العالم للتو
الفصل الأول: التشخيص الذي كنتَ تخشاه
William Kreisl, Can a Smell Test Sniff
Out Alzheimer’s Disease?
March 28, 2018.
Scott Gottlieb, Head Injury Doubles the
Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease, ncbi.nim.nih.gov,
November 4, 2000.
Mayo Clinic, Anesthesia, surgery linked
to decline in memory and thinking, sciencedaily.com,
July 19, 2018.
Owen Gleiberman, “Robin’s Wish”
review, A Wrenching Look at Robin Williams’ Last
Days, variety.com, September 1,
Jennie Erin Smith, In a Colombian
Family’s Dementia, a Journey Through Race and
History, undark.org, May 27,
The woman whose brain staved off
her family’s Alzheimer’s, MIT Technology Review,
Bill Whitaker, Frontotemporal
Dementia, Devastating, Prevalent and Little
Understood, cbsnews.com, September 5,
Dr. Bruce L. Miller, Frontotemporal
Dementia (Oxford University
Press, 2013).
University of California, San
Francisco, Nicholas Weiler, Lifestyle Choices
Could Slow Familial Frontotemporal Dementia,
eurekalert.org, January 7,
الفصل الثاني: إبعاد مفاتيح السيارة وإفساح المجال أمام مقدِّم رعاية من خارج الأسرة
Cindy Chang, “Elderly Driver Who Killed
10 Is Sentenced to Probation,” nytimes.com, November
21, 2006.
Mayo Clinic Staff, Meditation,
الفصل الثالث: الحسرة تأتي مبكِّرًا
Elisabeth Kübler Ross, On Death and Dying
(Scribner, 2014).
المراحل الأولى
الفصل الرابع: أين الشخص الذي كنتُ أعرفه؟
Death with Dignity Acts,
Paula Span, “One Day Your Mind May
Fade. At Least You’ll Have a Plan,” New York Times,
nytimes.com, January 19,
JoNel Aleccia, “She Was Diagnosed with
Dementia. She Documented Her Wishes for the End.
Then Her Retirement Home Said No,” Washington Post,
washingtonpost.com, January 18,
الفصل الخامس: فجوةٌ زمنية
Helen Schucman, Bill Thetford, Kenneth
Wapnick, eds., A Course in
Miracles (Foundation for Inner Peace,
Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 helpline:
(800) 272–3900.
انفعالات فوضوية وتَعَلُّم الكذب
الفصل السادس: الإجهاد النفسي لدى مقدِّمي الرعاية
Gavin de Becker, The Gift of Fear (Dell,
“The Genetics of Huntington’s Disease,”
Huntington’s Disease Association,
Joe Dispenza, You Are the Placebo (Hay House,
Annette Kondo, “Blinding Horrors:
Women’s Vision Loss Linked to Sights of Slaughter,”
Los Angeles
Times, latimes.com, June 4,
Alvin Powell, “When Science Meets
Mindfulness,” Harvard
Gazette, news.harvard.edu, April 9,
الفصل السابع: الكذب الخلَّاق
Coleman Adult Day Services, What Is
Sundowner’s Syndrome?, colemanadultday.org, November
10, 2018.
الفصل الثامن: الغضب
Ken Keyes, The
Hundredth Monkey (DeVorss and
Company/Vision Books, 1982).
الفصل التاسع: الشعور بالذَّنب وبلسم الضحك
Norman Cousins, Anatomy of an Illness (W. W. Norton,
Twentieth Anniversary ed.,
الفصل العاشر: فقدان شريك الحياة
Lavanya Ramanathan, “Lifestyle Guru B.
Smith Has Alzheimer’s. Her Husband Has a Girlfriend.
Her Fans Aren’t Having It,” Washington Post, washingtonpost.com,
January 28, 2019.
B. Smith and Dan Gasby, Before I Forget
(Harmony, reprint ed., 2016).
حين تخرج الأمور عن السيطرة
الفصل الحادي عشر: اللجوء إلى وكالة خدمات حماية الكبار
National Adult Protective Services
Association, napsa-now.org.
Andrew Capehart, What to Expect When
Working with Adult Protective Services,
eldermistreatment.usc.edu, January 4,
Pamela D. Wilson, What Does
Guardianship of an Elderly Parent Mean?
الفصل الثاني عشر: كان أفضلَ كثيرًا بالأمس
Kamilia S. Funder, Jacob Steinmetz,
Lars S. Rasmussen, Anesthesia for the patient with
dementia undergoing outpatient surgery, 2009,
الفصل الرابع عشر: القرار الأصعب
Tracey Tully, “After Anonymous Tip, 17
Bodies Found at Nursing Home Hit by Virus,”
New York
Times, nytimes.com, April 15,
إعادة بناء عالَمك
الفصل الخامس عشر: العالَم الذي أنشئوه
Joan Biskupic, “A New Page in
O’Connors’ Love Story,” USA
Today, abcnews.go.com, February 18,
E. J. Mundell, “Love in the World of
Alzheimer’s,” HealthDay
News, abcnews.go.com, March 23,
الفصل السابع عشر: المقعد الخالي على الطاولة
Jack E. Othon, Carl Jung and the Shadow: The Ultimate
المراحل الأخيرة
الفصل الثامن عشر: صديقك القديم الحزن
See getpalliativecare.org for an
explanation of what palliative care is and
See Hospice Care,
Caroline Richmond, “Dame Cicely
Saunders,” July 23, 2005,
Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and
Dying (HarperCollins,