
مقدِّمة: موقع ديلي بلانِت دوت كوم

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الفصل الأول: «النجدة! النجدة! من سينقذنا؟»

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Illustrated Books and Newspapers’ Wordsworth 1846:
DISCOURSE was deemed Man’s noblest attribute,
And written words the glory of his hand;
Then followed Printing with enlarged command
For thought – dominion vast and absolute
For spreading truth, and making love expand.
Now prose and verse sunk into disrepute
Must lacquey a dumb Art that best can suit
The taste of this once-intellectual Land.
A backward movement surely have we here,
From manhood – back to childhood; for the age –
Back towards caverned life’s first rude career.
Avaunt this vile abuse of pictured page!
Must eyes be all in all, the tongue and ear
Nothing? Heaven keep us from a lower stage!
(Wordsworth, W., 1888, The complete poetical works, London: Macmillan and Co.)
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الفصل الثاني: «أهو طائر؟ أهي طائرة؟ كلا، إنه الإعلام الخارق!»

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الفصل الثالث: «ألن يمد أحدهم يد العون؟»

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الفصل الرابع: محاربة قوة الشر

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الفصل الخامس: يمكننا جميعًا أن نكون أبطالًا خارقين

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