قراءات إضافية
تعديل الحياة القائمة
Armstrong, R. Living Architecture: How Synthetic Biology Can Remake Our Cities and Reshape Our Lives. TED books/Amazon (Kindle edition only at present).
Freemont, P. S. and Kintney, R. I. Synthetic Biology—A Primer (Revised Edition). London: Imperial College Press, 2015.
Kuldell, N. Biobuilder: Synthetic Biology in the Lab. Boston, MA: MIT Press, 2015.
Regis, E. and Church, G. M. Regenesis: How Synthetic Biology Will Reinvent Nature and Ourselves. New York: Basic Books, 2014.
Schmidt, M. Synthetic Biology: Industrial and Environmental Applications. London: Wiley, 2012.
خلق حياة من جديد
Luisi, P. L. L. The Emergence of Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Rasmussedn, S., Bedau, M., Chen, L., et al. Protocells: Bridging Living and Non-Living Matter. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2009.
الثقافة والأخلاق والفن
Ginsberg, A. D., Calvert, J., Schyfter, P., Elfick, A., and Endy, D. Synthetic Aesthetics: Investigating Synthetic Biology’s Designs on Nature. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2017.
Jorgensen, E. Biohacking—You Can Do It, Too. TED talk. Available at: <https://www.ted.com/talks/ellen_jorgensen_biohacking_you_can_do_it_too>, nd.
Kaebnick, G. E. and Murray, T. H. Synthetic Biology and Morality: Artificial Life and the Bounds of Nature. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2013.
Lentzos, F., Jefferson, C., and Marris, C. Synthetic Biology and Bioweapons. London: Imperial College Press, 2017.
Pahara, J., Dickie, C., and Jorgensen, E. Hacking DNA with Rapid DNA Prototyping: Synthetic Biology for Everyone. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Press, 2017.
مصادر الاقتباسات
Cho, R. State of the Planet Blog, Columbia University Earth Institute. Available at: <http://blogs.ei.columbia.edu/2011/07/08/syntheticbiology-creating-new-forms-of-life/>, 2011.
Church, G. Interviewed for SynBioWatch. Available at: <http://www.synbiowatch.org/2012/10/how-synthetic-biology-willchange-us>, 2014.
Kahn, J. “Synthetic Hype: A Skeptical View of the Promise of Synthetic Biology” Val. U. L. Rev. 45/29. Available at: <http://scholar.valpo.edu/vulr/vol45/iss4/2>, 2011.
Kuiken, T. “DIYbio: Low Risk, High Potential” The Scientist, 1 March. Available at: <https://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/34443/title/DIYbio--Low-Risk--High-Potential/>, 2013.
Thomas, J. “Synthia is Alive … and Breeding Panacea or Pandora’s Box?” ETC News Release 20 May. Available at: <http://www.etcgroup.org/sites/www.etcgroup.org/files/publication/pdf_file/ETCVenterSynthiaMay202010.pdf>, 2010.
Willets, D. “Statement Concerning the Establishment of BBSRC/EPSRC Synthetic Biology Research Centres in the UK”. Available at: <http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20140714082920/, http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/newsevents/news/biologyresearchcentres/>, 2014.