قراءات إضافية

مقدمة عامة عن علم الروبوتات

  • Maja Matarić: The Robotics Primer, MIT Press, 2007. This book is a highly engaging and accessible semi-technical introduction to robotics, spanning all of the important concepts and applications.
  • Roland Siegwart, Illah R. Nourbakhsh, and Davide Scaramuzza: Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots, MIT Press, 2011. This is a comprehensive textbook on mobile robotics, ideal for anyone who wishes to understand robot motion, perception, and localization in greater technical depth.

الفصل الأول: ما الروبوت؟

  • Mark Elling Roshiem: Leonardo’s Lost Robots, Springer, 2006. This beautifully illustrated book tells the extraordinary story of the reconstruction of Leonardo da Vinci’s robots, including his programmable cart.
  • Philip Husbands, Owen Holland, and Michael Wheeler (eds): The Mechanical Mind in History, MIT Press, 2008. This is a fascinating and important account of the pioneers of intelligent machines, their work and ideas. It tells the story of how key ideas of bio-inspiration, which I introduce in Chapter 3, were conceived by the mid 20th-century pioneers of cybernetics.

الفصل الثالث: الروبوتات الحيوية

  • Valentino Braitenberg: Vehicles: Experiments in Synthetic Psychology, MIT Press, 1984. A delightful book; the ‘experiments’ of the title are thought experiments of hypothetical autonomous vehicles.
  • Rodney A. Brooks: Cambrian Intelligence: the Early History of the New AI, MIT Press, 1999. This is a collection of Brooks’s influential and very readable research papers from 1985 to 1991, with commentaries.

الفصل الرابع: الروبوتات التي تشبه البشر والروبوتات البشرية

  • Yoseph Bar-Cohen and David Hanson: The Coming Robot Revolution: Expectations and Fears About Emerging Intelligent, Humanlike Machines, Springer, 2009. A thought-provoking book which explores the larger societal implications of humanoid robotics.
  • Wendell Wallach and Colin Allen: Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right from Wrong, Oxford University Press, 2008. This book provides a thorough and philosophically sound exploration of how we might build future ethical robots.

حاشية عن القسم الخاص بأخلاقيات الروبوتات

الفصل الخامس: أسراب الروبوتات، والتطور، والتكافل

  • Eric Bonabeau and Guy Théraulaz: Swarm smarts, Scientific American, March 2000. A very readable review of swarm intelligence.
  • Dario Floreano and Lawrent Keller: ‘Evolution of Adaptive Behaviour in Robots by Means of Darwinian Selection’, PLoS Biology, Vol. 8, 2010. A very accessible article on evolving adaptive robot behaviours.

الفصل السادس: مستقبل علم الروبوتات

  • Paolo Dario and Arianna Menciassi: ‘Robot Pills’, Scientific American, August 2010. For an up-to-date review of research in pill-sized medical robots.
  • K. Eric Drexler: Engines of Creation: the Coming Era of Nanotechnology, Oxford University Press, 1990. Now regarded as a classic, this is a highly readable exploration of how nano-machines might be built and applied.

مصادر إضافية أخرى للقراءة

  • Dario Floreano and Claudio Mattiussi: Bio-inspired Artificial Intelligence, MIT Press, 2008. A substantial textbook, but also a readable and comprehensive introduction to bio-inspired approaches to artificial intelligence and robotics; for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of these important new approaches this book is a must.
  • Rolf Pfeifer and Josh Bongard: How the Body Shapes the Way We Think: A New View of Intelligence, MIT Press, 2006. This clear and thoughtful book sets out the case for ‘embodiment’: that intelligence, in animals and robots, always requires a body. Its conclusions go well beyond robotics.
  • David McFarland: Guilty Robots, Happy Dogs, Oxford University Press, 2008. Written by an influential zoologist, this book is concerned with philosophy of mind. Written in an accessible and refreshing style, it is a very nice introduction to machine consciousness.

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