مصادر الصور

  • (1-1) The e-puck educational mobile robot
  • (1-2) The ‘nervous system’ of the e-puck robot
  • (1-3) Replicas of Grey Walter’s robot tortoises. (Robots built by Ian Horsfi eld and Chris Hart)
  • (2-1) Industrial assembly-line robots (© Small Town Studio/Shutterstock. com).
  • (2-2) The Aethon TUG hospital portering robot (© Art Montes De Oca/Aethon).
  • (2-3) Mars exploration rover(© NASA/JPL-Caltech).
  • (2-4) Lego Mindstorms NXT ‘central nervous system’ (© LEGO Group).
  • (3-1) The robot-world feedback loop.
  • (3-2) Ecobot III: a robot with an artificial digestive system. The inset image shows a single MFC (Reproduced with permission of Ioannis Ieropoulos, John Greenman, and Chris Melhuish).
  • (3-3) Scratchbot, a robot with artificial whiskers (Reproduced with permission of Martin Pearson and Tony Pipe).
  • (4-1) BERT II torso fi tted with the BRL digital head, an upper-body humanoid robot for research in human–robot cooperation (Reproduced with permission of Chris Melhuish and Graham Whiteley).
  • (4-2) Kismet, an expressive robot head for research in social human–robot interaction (Donna Coveney/MIT).
  • (4-3) Jules, an expressive highfi delity android robot head (Reproduced with permission of David Hanson).
  • (4-5) The Uncanny Valley (Reproduced with permission of Karl MacDorman).
  • (4-6) Paro, a robot baby seal (© AIST, Japan).
  • (4-7) Cronos, an anthropomimetic humanoid robot (Reproduced with permission of Owen Holland)
  • (5-1) The Swarmanoid robots. Left: 3 Foot-bots and a Hand-bot. Right: the Eye-bot (Reproduced with permission of Marco Dorigo).
  • (5-2) The four stage process of evolutionary robotics.
  • (5-3) In the Golem project a robot is evolved in simulation (top) then the fi nal best individual, is fabricated (bottom) (Reproduced with permission of Hod Lipson, Cornell University).
  • (5-4) Alice robot (A) and its artificial neural network controller (B) (Reproduced with permission of Markus Waibel and Dario Floreano).
  • (5-5) A Symbrion organism. Top: a visualization of the 3D organism. Bottom: Symbrion Backbone and Active wheel robots in the process of autonomous self-assembly (Reproduced with permission of Paul Levi, Lutz Winkler, and Wenguo Liu).
  • (5-6) Simulated Nao humanoid robots playing 3-a-side football in the simulator Webots (Reproduced with permission of Olivier Michel).

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