
الفصل الأول: الارتباط العاطفي بالعلامات التجارية

See, for example, Susan Fournier, “Consumers and Their Brands: Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research,” Journal of Consumer Research 24 (March 1998): 343–372; Edith Smit, Fred Bronner, and Maarten Tolboom, “Brand Relationship Quality and Its Value for Personal Contact,” Journal of Business Research 60, no. 6 (2007): 627–633; Atul Parvatiyar and Jagdish N. Sheth, “Customer Relationship Management: Emerging Practice, Process, and Discipline,” Journal of Economic and Social Research 3, no. 2 (2001): 1–34; Barbara A. Carroll and Aaron C. Ahuvia, “Some Antecedents and Outcomes of Brand Love,” Marketing Letters 17 (2006): 79–89.
Jennifer Aaker, “Dimensions of Brand Personality,” Journal of Marketing Research 34 (August 1997): 347–356.
Fournier, “Consumers and Their Brands.”
Ibid. See also Susan Fournier, “Exploring Brand-Person Relationships: Three Life Histories,” product number 596093-PDF-ENG, Harvard Business School (Boston: Harvard Business Publishing, January 22, 1996).
See, for example, Fournier, “Consumers and Their Brands”; Smit, Bronner, and Tolboom, “Brand Relationship Quality and Its Value for Personal Contact”; Parvatiyar and Sheth, “Customer Relationship Management”; Carroll and Ahuvia, “Some Antecedents and Outcomes of Brand Love.”
Steve Koonin, former VP of sports and presence properties at The Coca-Cola Company and now chief marketing officer at Turner Broadcasting, is a master at generating value from presence properties; he single-handedly changed The Coca-Cola Company’s approach to inevent promotional marketing by focusing on having the brand be a part of the event rather than a static prop.
Martin Lindstrom, Brandwashed: Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy (New York: Crown Business, 2011).
Charles Duhigg, C. “How Companies Learn Your Secrets.” New York Times Magazine, February 16, 2012, http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/19/magazine/shopping-habits.html?pagewanted=all.
“Verizon’s ‘Precision Market Insights’ Data Mining Policy Raising Privacy Concerns,” Huffington Post, October 17, 2012, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/17/verizon-precision-market-insights_n_1971265.html.
Quoted in Rosie Baker, “Unilever: ‘Marketing Needs to Be Noble Again,’” Marketing Week, February 7, 2012, http://www.marketingweek.co.uk/unilever-marketing-needs-to-be-noble-again/3033850.article.

الفصل الثاني: اعرفْ نفسك

Quoted in Dan Lyons, “10 Lessons from Steve Jobs That Every Marketer Must Learn,” HubSpot blog, June 3, 2013, http://blog.hubspot.com/10-steve-jobs-marketing-lessons.
Christine Y. Chen, “Darius Bikoff vs. Coke and Pepsi: Business Is Flowing for the Godfather of ‘Enhanced Waters,’” CNNMoney, February 3, 2003, http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2003/02/03/336429/.
Even having kept the two brands separate, Nike sold the Cole Haan division in November 2012 to Apax for $570 million because management decided it needed to focus on just its athletic brands. See Matt Townsend, “Nike Agrees to Sell Cole Haan to Apax for $570 million,” Bloomberg, November 16, 2012, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-11-16/nike-agrees-to-sell-cole-haan-to-apax-for-570-million.html.
Willem Jan van der Hoeven, global brand director, Heineken, interview with Tim Halloran, March 26, 2012.
All quotations of Katy Milmoe, integrated group account director, Havas Worldwide, are from an interview with Tim Halloran, February 26, 2012.

الفصل الثالث: تعرَّفْ على نوعية المستهلك الذي تستهدفه

All quotations of Kersten Rivas, managing director, Havas Worldwide, are from an interview with Tim Halloran, February 26, 2013.
All quotations of Katy Milmoe, integrated group account director, Havas Worldwide, are from an interview with Tim Halloran, February 26, 2013.
All quotations of Willem Jan van der Hoeven, global brand director, Heineken, are from an interview with Tim Halloran, March 26, 2013.
All quotations of Paul Smailes, global head of digital, Heineken, are from an interview with Tim Halloran, March 26, 2013.
Sports Illustrated for Kids regularly conducts informal, unpublished research among its subscribers for firms who advertise with the publication. The statement cited in the chapter is from research the magazine conducted in 1996 about kids’ perceptions of sports.
All quotations of Matthew Kahn, chief marketing officer, Restorsea (former senior VP of marketing, glacéau) are from an interview with Tim Halloran, December 28, 2012.
All quotations of Scott Miller, president of Core Strategy Group, are from an interview with Tim Halloran, November 15, 2012.
“8 Beers Americans No Longer Drink,” NBCNews.com, September 9, 2011, http://www.nbcnews.com/id/44460121/ns/business-us_business/t/beers-americans-no-longer-drink/#.Ug-rkKzB-So.
“Ad Age Advertising Century: Top 100 Campaigns,” Advertising Age, March 29, 1999, http://adage.com/article/special-report-the-advertising-century/ad-age-advertising-century-top-100-advertising-campaigns/140150/.
Mike Celzic, “Michelle Obama Makes $148 Frock a Fashion Smash,” Today.com, June 20, 2008, http://www.today.com/id/25280708/ns/today-today_style/t/michelle-obama-makes-frock-fashion-smash/#.Ug-ufKzB-So.
Share and sales growth data are sourced from syndicated services that measure marketplace sales data. For example, as of the fifty-two weeks ending April 15, 2012, IRI/Symphony showed smartwater as the topselling premium water brand.

الفصل الرابع: اجعله لقاءً لا يُنسَى

Quoted in Stephanie Strom, “30 Years After Chia Pets, Seeds Hit Food Aisle,” New York Times, November 23, 2012, http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/24/business/chia-seeds-gain-popularity-for-nutritional-benefits.html?_r=0.
Joe Satran, “Chia Seeds Move Beyond Faddish Past in Bid for Mainstream Acceptance,” Huffington Post, April 17, 2012, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/16/chia-seeds_n_1419525.html.
All quotations of Janie Hoffman in the remainder of the chapter are from an interview with Tim Halloran, January 22, 2013.
Malcolm Gladwell, Blink (New York: Little, Brown, 2005).
“Janie Hoffman, Founder, Mamma Chia,” BevNET, 2012, http://www.bevnet.com/bestof/2012/person-of-the-year.

الفصل الخامس: اجعلِ العلاقة متبادَلة

All quotations of Stuart Sheldon, president, Escalate, are from an interview with Tim Halloran, November 9, 2012.
Joan Schneider and Julie Hall, “Why Most Product Launches Fail,” Harvard Business Review, April 2011, http://hbr.org/2011/04/why-most-product-launches-fail/.
Theresa Howard, “Coke Finally Scores Another Winner,” USAToday, October 28, 2007, http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/money/advertising/adtrack/2007-10-28-coke-zero_N.htm.
The sources for the discussion of the CZC and related data in this chapter are from the Stuart Sheldon interview and Coke Zero’s 2009 WOMMY entry (provided by Sheldon), which won a Silver award for best strategic thinking to measure the impact/success of word of mouth.
Ed Keller, “Shining a Light on Dark and Super Dark Social,” Keller Fay Blog: WOM Matters, November 7, 2012, http://www.kellerfay.com/insights/shining-a-light-on-dark-and-super-dark-social-ed-keller/.
Alexis Madrigal, “Dark Social: We Have the Whole History of the Web Wrong,” Atlantic, October 12, 2012, http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/10/dark-social-we-have-the-whole-history-of-the-web-wrong/263523/.
Keller, “Shining a Light.”
All quotations of John Doughney, client partner, Facebook, are from an interview with Tim Halloran, January 11, 2013.

الفصل السادس: عمِّق الارتباط

Christa Hoyland, “Chick-fil-A Ramps Up for Spicy Chicken Sandwich Launch,” QSRweb.com, May 24, 2010, http://www.qsrweb.com/article/95197/Chick-fil-A-ramps-up-for-Spicy-Chicken-Sandwich-launch.
Tanya Lewis, “Chick-fil-A Finds Opportune Time to Unveil Spicy Chicken Sandwich,” PRWeek, September 1, 2010, http://www.prweekus.com/chick-fil-a-finds-opportune-time-to-unveil-spicy-chicken-sandwich/article/177432/.
All quotations of Jeff Gregor, chief marketing officer, Turner Networks, are from an interview with Tim Halloran, March 5, 2013.
TCM does show advertisements for its own products—promos for TCM movies as well as DVD collections for sale.
“Johnny Depp America’s Favorite Actor, Harris Poll Reveals,” Huffington Post, January 19, 2012, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/19/johnny-depp-americas-favorite-actor_n_1215685.html.

الفصل السابع: أَبْقِ جذوة الحب متَّقدة

All quotations of Jackie Jantos, creative director for global content, The Coca-Cola Company, are from an interview with Tim Halloran, February 25, 2013.
Jonathan Mildenhall, “Coca-Cola Content 2020,” YouTube, August 2011; Part One, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LerdMmWjU_E; Part Two, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiwIq-8GWA8.
Frederick Allen, Secret Formula (New York: HarperBusiness, 1994), 20.
Mildenhall, “Coca-Cola Content 2020.”
All quotations of A. J. Brustein, senior brand manager, The Coca-Cola Company, are from an interview with Tim Halloran, February 25, 2013.
All quotations of Christy Amador, interactive marketing professional, Coca-Cola global interactive marketing, The Coca-Cola Company, are from an interview with Tim Halloran, February 25, 2013.
Mildenhall, Coca-Cola Content 2020
“Domino’s Says New Recipes, Frank Ad Campaign Help Double Profits,” USA TODAY, March 2, 2010, http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/money/companies/earnings/2010-03-02-dominos_N.htm.
All quotations of Emmett Leopardi, the Leopardi Group, are from an interview with Tim Halloran, March 28, 2013.
All quotations of Jeffrey Cohen, VP and general manager, Meda Consumer Healthcare, are from an interview with Tim Halloran, February 19, 2013.
All quotations of Cigdem Topalli, senior brand manager, Meda Consumer Healthcare, are from an interview with Tim Halloran, February 19, 2013.
All quotations of Blake Hawley, marketing director, Meda Consumer Healthcare, are from an interview with Tim Halloran, February 19, 2013.

الفصل الثامن: تدارُك المشكلات

All quotations of Jim Smith, senior VP of sales and marketing, Atlanta Falcons, are from an interview with Tim Halloran, March 6, 2013.
Phil Andrews, “Allen Iverson, Ray Emery, and Michael Vick: Three for the Money,” Bleacher Report, January 6, 2010, http://bleacherreport.com/articles/320683-emery-iverson-vick-three-for-the-money.
See “NFL Team Valuations: #1 Dallas Cowboys,” October 10, 2008, Forbes.com, http://www.forbes.com/lists/2008/30/sportsmoney_nfl08_Dallas-Cowboys_300988.html. Note that as of 2013, the Cowboys were still the highest-valued franchise at $2.3 billion; “NFL Team Values 2013,” Forbes.com, http://www.forbes.com/pictures/mlm45ekfed/1-dallas-cowboys-4/.

الفصل التاسع: إنهاء العلاقة والمضي قُدُمًا

All quotations of Darryl Cobbin, president, Brand Positioning Doctors (former VP, Sprite business unit, The Coca-Cola Company), are from an interview with Tim Halloran, January 22, 2013.
Matthew Grimm, “Winning Ad Campaigns,” Advertising Age, April 1, 2003, http://adage.com/article/american-demographics/winning-ad-campaigns/44764/.
Jeffrey Cohen, VP and general manager, Meda Consumer Healthcare, interview with Tim Halloran, February 19, 2013.
Malcolm Gladwell, Blink (New York: Little, Brown, 2005).
John Demott, “All Afizz over the New Coke,” Time, June 24, 1985. Available at www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,959449,00.html.
New Coke/Coke II information and all quotations of Steve Hutcherson, partner, Trade NTE (former Coca-Cola executive holding numerous positions and roles, the latest being VP Coca-Cola brand business unit), are from an interview with Tim Halloran, March 21, 2013.

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