The Daniel Dennett quote is from Blackmore, Susan (ed.) (2005), Conversations on Consciousness. Oxford University Press (Oxford), p. 91.
الفصل الأول: مناهج العلوم وثمارها
‘Try not to say anything false:’ Fodor, Jerry (2008), LOT 2: The Language of Thought Revisited. Oxford University Press (Oxford), p. 4.
الفصل الثاني: الحركة والقصور الذاتي
‘Indeed it is a matter of great difficulty:’ Newton, Isaac (1689), ‘Scholium to the Definitions,’ in Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Bk. 1, translated by Andrew Motte (1729), revised by Florian Cajori. University of California Press (Berkeley, CA, 1934).
‘Shut yourself up with some friend:’ Galileo (1632), Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, translated by Stillman Drake. University of California Press (Berkeley, CA, 1967).
الفصل الثالث: النسبية وفلسفتها
‘spreading time through space:’ Brown, Harvey (2005), Physical Relativity: Space-time Structure from a Dynamical Perspective. Oxford University Press (Oxford), p. 21 et seq.
الفصل الرابع: الاختزال وعدم القابلية للانعكاس
‘in the process of turning around:’ Albert, David (1999), Time and Chance. Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA), p. 77.
الفصل السادس: تفسير الكم
‘shut-up-and-calculate interpretation’: Mermin, David (2004), ‘Could Feynman have said this?’, Physics Today 57, p. 10.